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Kids 'n Kinship

22nd Annual Bowlathon

Thanks for joining us with our mission to provide mentoring relationships to youth in need of an additional caring adult!

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Home: Welcome

Kids 'n Kinship  Bowlathon

The Details:

Where Do I Register?

Scroll Down to "Thanks for Sparing Time for Mentoring!"  

If you're a COMMUNITY Team, click on "register" under "The Community Teams".

If you're a Kids 'n Kinship Participant, click on "register" under "The Mentoring Match Teams". Each bowler is required to pledge $25. Click on "Donate" for donating your pledges.


Where Do I Bowl?

We encourage you to bowl at:

Bogart's Entertainment Center, 14917 Garrett Avenue, Apple Valley, MN 

Call to Make a Reservation to Bowl, 952-432-1515


Virtually, bowling at your house, in your yard, on the Wii, be creative!


When Can I Bowl?

Anytime between Friday, April 23rd- May 7th! We encourage participants to bowl and raise funds over the course of these two weeks.  There will also be an Online Silent Auction active, April 23rd-May 7th.  

How Can I Share This AWESOME Event with Others?

Before: Share our Bowlathon Event Page on Facebook or share a post on Twitter and Instagram. If you get an email about the event, pass it along. 

Make sure to include the registration link!


During: We encourage you to take photos of your bowling virtually or at Bogart's.


After: We encourage you to post photos on social media. Remember to tag @Kidsnkinship and use #sparetime4mentoring.   

Prizes will awarded for Best Community Team Theme, Best Bowling Uniform, Best Team Name, Best Mentor and Mentee Theme.




Home: Who We Are
Image by Jason Dent

Thanks for Sparing Time
for Mentoring!

We are so happy you’re interested in getting involved with our work here at Kids 'n Kinship. There are so many ways for you to help, and we truly appreciate each and every effort. By lending your support, you’ll become a valuable part of our Non-Profit Organization and help to strengthen our operations.

Home: Get Involved
Debit Card

The Community Teams

Make a Donation

Kids 'n Kinship Teams

Online Silent Auction (Live on April 23rd)

Bowling Bag Checklist

Everything You Need to Have a Good Time!

Checklist: Supplies

Bowling  Ideas

Bowlathon Playlist

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Superior Service Center

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Wings Financial Credit Union

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Joel and Kris Carberry

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Eagan Kick Start Rotary

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Minnesota Energy Resources

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